After we got into Naples we decided to go and eat some McDonalds. When we got there it was pretty crowded. The food came fairly quickly. When I was eating I noticed my bun was falling apart but it was fine. While I was eating the food a bird came into the restaurant and couldn't get out. The bird came over to my side of the McDonalds and it SLAPED ME IN THE FACE WITH ITS WING! Then it landed on my backpack and finally went out the door. After this alarming experience I went to get some ice cream still at the McDonalds. I ordered a Smarties McFurry a Strawberry Shake and a Coffee Sunday for April. When we got the ice cream I noticed that the McFlurry had M&Ms in it and not smarties. When I tasted then they tasted like dark chocolate M&Ms. April went to the counter to see what the matter was all about. Apparently in Italy smarties are dark chocolate M&Ms. Everything else was somewhat ok but take my word for it NEVER WAT AT A ITALY MCDONALDS!